Reading this and feeling so much solidarity. My summer has also been defined by weird medical stuff. I love being on a platform where we can talk about how messy and weird and confusing and hard being a human is WITH fire music recs.

This is what I needed. Very comforting. Thanks for everything you do ❤️

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messy + comforting + music recs = my dastardly plan <3

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It is working

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unclear, I'll report back after a few more posts

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Aug 24Liked by Gabbie

You’re not alone !

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Fifty-three year old avid music listener and also avid keeping my body in good enough shape to enjoy concerts, reader here for the first time based on the recommendation of Thea.

Thanks for the SASAMI recommendation, just added several songs to my growing Liked List. I'll be back for more recommendations.

But seriously, is there a pair of shoes made for concerts on concrete floors that will save my feet and knees from days of me bitching at them for outing me as old?

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dude if there is one I would really love to know. I saw a post once somewhere, probably on Instagram, about being on the constant hunt for shoes that can only be described as "slutty but orthopedic" and that's exactly where my head is at.

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Not slutty, but I can't go to any standing only concerts without my Hokas. All the cool nurses wear them! (And people with foot issues.)

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also: welcome! thank you for being here! I share a lot of playlists here, and lots are hanging out on my Spotify profile too: https://open.spotify.com/user/meandtimory?si=xN-R8bXZRJS8XUSY536OyQ

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I’m a fan of Skechers and they have some pretty cool designs lately.

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i too am on the hunt for the ultimate sexy ortho shoes. so far, wearing compression socks and insoles have somewhat helped.

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Chronic pain SUCKS. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Wait until you start surging. Wait… I hope that it never happens to you. It’s just about the worst thing that’s ever happened to me. This 55 yo will be checking out the playlist— which reflects my rebellious, fed up mood. I no longer suffer the “privileged” who aren’t peri or menopausal and think they can solve its side effects. Almost no solid research or cures are dedicated to it except HRT, which many of us cannot do (cancer, tumors, autoimmunity, etc).

As for the eyes— injections? UGH! Did they test you for mites first? Eye mites are a thing that fucks up your eyes and many drs don’t even check for it. I checked it off the list this summer with 6 weeks of eye drops. The good news is that with the RIGHT doctors and treatments and shitloads of advocating for myself over the past two years, it was kind of a Brat summer for me. Saw dozens of concerts and started walking/running again. The only old body thing left to tackle: insomnia. But I turned that into a positive by using it to complete projects without interruption. So I work until 4:30am and then sleep until 9am. Not in line with the rest of the house’s schedule? Too bad, so sad. I take it when I can get it and everyone else can bugger off. Now, I’m going to listen to this Porridge Radio group. Thx for the intro 🎶🙌🏻🤓

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Oh girl no, thank god, the steroid injection is for the herniated disc… not my eyes, perish the thought! The eyes are just a little bonus distraction. Like I said, bad quality tears (hilarious, I thought, I didn’t even know that was a thing!), and all I need to do is use a warm compress occasionally. I am really not looking forward to (peri)menopause, though. I am looking around my shoulder for it constantly. I figured it’s coming for me any second now.

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Well thank goddess no needles in eyes. But again, have them check for those little buggers. I was diagnosed with chronic dry eye by Dr. #1 and Dr. #2 figure it out and said moisture should be much better w/ the critters gone.

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1) Gross, and 2) Thanks - I will!

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Gross indeed. But apparently more common than people would like to think.

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Sorry to hear about the back pains. Just the worst. My fight this summer is my knees, which, despite my many decades here, have never been a problem before. While it can suck getting older, it's better than the alternative! For older bands with this vibe, I immediately thought of Cranes and Lush. Newer releases include Julia Holter's Spinning, Beth Gibbons' Rewind, John Grant's All That School for Nothing

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Thanks so much for the recs, both new and old. May our bodies stop fighting against us!

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Aug 24Liked by Gabbie

I can relate and wished I could write about this like you. Going on 57, chronic pain, getting infiltrations (injections) for the last 4 years because of failed surgery and 6 cervical vertebrae locked by surgery. I had to look for the right translation, english is not my native tongue…I apologize for my poor grammar and writing.

Anyway, watch out with injections, you never know if they’re working until 8 weeks later and surgery…don’t do it if not neccesary for 100%.

Thank you for books, Substack and last but not least music. I’ve been working in music business since I was 22. As tourmanager and to cut a very long story short, ending the last 7 years as an artistic director and programming live concerts at a concerthall. I ruined my body through hard work and the love for my work, because I made a living doing what I liked the most.

The past summer-in heavy pain-I survived thanks to music. And reading. And reading about music. Okay, there are the pills too…

Thank you for this post and to the others here with similar failing bodies. The mind is very willing, the body is the enemy. But keep moving! Get out of your bed, get out of your house, keep going to concerts as much as the pain lets you. Keep meeting people and if you have a bad day, know that it will pass, even if it is for short while. Another thing I did, was organizing little beautiful garden concerts with around 40 of your good friends. Luckely I have the honor of knowing the best musicians in the little country called Belgium, whom are happy to come and play. They get an honest fee and everybody that attends pays a small entrance price and a euro for drinks. To cover costs.

If you can’t go to a concert and you have a garden, the concert can come to you. And you can enjoy it standing, sitting or lying.

Wishing you all the best.

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Thank you so much! It's silly to say this, but I refuse to be in pain forever, and I've somehow convinced myself this is temporary. I don't know how I'll figure it out, but I will. I wish you so much luck as well -- it sounds like a such an interesting life you've had, and still do! Gigs like the ones you're organizing are truly the best events, both for musicians and listeners.

A funny side note about what a small world it is: I go to Belgium relatively often. My (half) sister is from there, and lives in Brussels. I hope to write about her sometime, as she's a relatively well known opera singer there. She's incredibly talented and I'm so lucky to have her and have had a little taste at least of the classical music world in Belgium. I hope to come back very soon.

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Aug 25Liked by Gabbie

…wasn’t ready but hit the publish button by accident. But it was maybe a good way to end anyway…:-)

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Aug 25Liked by Gabbie

That’s a bit weird, no? That you know Brussels/Belgium and even have family in B. Coincidence? Not weird in a weird way!

Anyway, If your sister is performing in Belgium, let me know the date(s).

As I learned through all these years of being able to enjoy live music, classical music and opera should be witnessed live to really get it.

I’m still not the greatest follower of these styles of music, but I have an enormous respect for the live performances, by sang or chamber music or symphonic orchestra. They blew me away sometimes. But on record,…nah, still learning to…I’m too impatient with them I believe, I can’t sit out a whole record. I need the live experience.

So, this

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oh my god this porridge radio album is nuts thank you for putting me on

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it’s their best one IMO but the one after that is also great and i am buzzing for the one coming out this yearrrr

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Haven't listened to Every Bad but their Waterslide was a top album for me in 2022! I would think Back to the Radio would fit this groove perfectly

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I am sad to learn of your chronic pain. I hope you find relief and healing. Sending good vibes for bad backs. I have a bad back, too. One band I listen to quite a bit, not new but still edgy, is Slothrust, a rock trio. Their signature sound is grungy guitar tunes backed by hard percussion and featuring strange neurodivergent lyricality. Their 2014 record, Of Course You Do includes some true bangers. Their song Crockpot has been in my head for the past several days. Truly epic and my best recommendation yet.

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Thank you! I got that injection today... now just waiting to see if it works.

I really love Slothtrust. I discovered them about eight or nine years ago in kind of a silly way. Their song "730am" was the intro theme for one of my favorite TV shows - "You're the Worst." I have them on my OG NBFOH playlist, even though "new" is really pushing it, as you say. But hey, some people really haven't been paying attention to new music in decades! It's all relative!

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Aug 21Liked by Gabbie

Injections are good! Also, prednisone packs. Hope you get lots of relief now!! 7:30 AM was my intro to Slothrust, too!

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